Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Bullying and Conflict FREE Quiz - Because this product is free some of the attachments are in PDF version. If you purchase the paid version of this product or any other product this will all be editable for you to customise! - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint
Can be used alongside our ‘Life Beyond School’ PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8F/QZ/93
We sell complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS4 Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Unit
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
All resources designed by a specialist Team of practicing PSHE and Citizenship HOD’s and teachers with over 15+ Years of combined experience
Geography + Countries and locations Classroom Periodic Table Poster We decided that to help raise the profile of geography and travel in secondary schools we would turn the traditional science periodic table into a locations one displaying 118 Different countries and locations closely linked to the same initials as all the original elements and this subject area. This took a lot longer than you may think…
This resources comes in PDF format - If you require an editable format please leave a nice review for this item and then email Mike at with your TES username and we will happily share the editable version with you as a thank you for** leaving feedback.**
This is a one off fantastic Careers Poster resource that will grab staff and students attention.
How could you use this Careers resource?
Print A4 Copies for students and use as a discussion prompt get students to talk about what careers may interest them
Great for a huge Careers display Print on A3 or A2
Brighten up up a dull classroom display down the hall or even your own…
Give a copy to the pastoral department
Team Roles for Project Work and some Top Tips for Great Project Work.
Contents include
Editable Team Role Proformas that link to specific skills for each role
Editable Team PResentation starter Prompts
Certificate Template For Project Based learning
Top Tips PowerPoint for Project BAsed Learning
Set of Built in PowerPoint Timers for Lessons -
*Copy of Cre8tive Curriculum PSHE Teaching Units
“Carefully constructed thematic Projects provide a clear structure that encourages activity and discussion in PSHE. It allows students to try out concepts to see if they fit for them, to develop leadership, teamwork and other enterprise skills by working with their peers, and to come to a conclusion about what they essentially feel is the right thing to do”
We sell Complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS3 18 PSHE Quizzes
STI and Contraception Unit
Sex, the law and Consent Unit
Relationships & Sex Education Unit
Puberty and Body Development Unit
Y11 Careers Unit CV’s Personal Statements etc
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code:
The Big Healthy eating Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on a variey of PSHE topics related to HEalthy eating suitable for upper KS2 or lower KS3.
Can be used alongside our 'HEalth & Wellbeing ’ PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz Resource
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/98
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ PSHE Masculinity + Men (Ks5)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)
☞ Dealing with anger and Frustration (Ks3) (Ks4)
Christmas Quiz. End of term fun Christmas quiz with all the answers animated for your class. Treat them to something fun this end of term in the run up to Christmas by undertaking this specially designed Christmas quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles including our Special Christmas Cracker round
Round 1: Identifying Matching Round - Pictures
Round 2: True, False or Fake news
Round 3: Finding and Searching the Terms
Round 4: Picture Up - Match with the Captions
**Round 5: ** Linking Links
Round 6: Multiple Choice Q and A
Round 7: Linking Links (Part 2)
Round 8: Anagrams Round
Round 9: General Knowledge Round
Round 10: Christmas Cracker Round - Numbers
Tie Breaker: Design Drawing Task
Contents of Quiz Bundle
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed Christmas PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞1 x Set of Christmas certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
☞ 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
☞ 1 x Student Work Sheet they can fill in during the quiz individually or as small teams
☞ Quiz can be done as an individual task or in small teams or via Zoom or any online learning platform.
**Explore below our most popular and fast selling Primary Careers and Primary PSHE Units below:
⇨ Introduction to Careers for Primary students
⇨ Linking school with Careers and Jobs - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Financial Education - Managing Money for Ks2 Students
⇨ Transition and Friends Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Enterprise Unit (My skills & Qualities) Ks2 Unit
⇨ The World I live in Ks2 Citizenship Unit
⇨ Why should I learn all these subjects - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Bullying, Racism & Peer Pressure - Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Roles & Responsibilities - Ks2 PSHE Unit
Celebrating Windrush . A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on the importance of this topic.
Learning Outcomes:
I understand the timeline of Windrush
I understand the Windrush scandal
I understand the importance of Windrush Day
Key terms
Mass immigration, second class citizens, repatriated, resident status
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
If you need any support with this lesson or would like to find out more about what Cre8tive Resources can offer your school please email:
If you leave a nice review please email and we will send you a free lesson as a thank you.
Christmas 2024 - How is Christmas celebrated around the world presentation slides.
Fun Christmas Curriculum of resources for students.
How can you use this resource?
☞ An activity to do after registration
☞ A whole school focus for the month
☞ To build upon your PSHE and SMSC delivery
☞ Print out and create a display
☞ Activities that can support and celebrate this focus topic
Each theme presentation contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint of 20 tasks
Designed by a Primary School Teacher and DHT.
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code:
Why not check out our other popular PRIMARY resources here:
Assembly - Back to School After Lock down Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful
Contraception and Sexual health Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on contraception and STI’s suitable for KS3 students.
Can be used alongside our ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz Resource
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/101
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE 2020 planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
All resources designed by a specialist Team of practicing PSHE and Citizenship HOD’s and teachers with over 15+ Years of combined experience
What is Feminism? A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed PSHE / Citizenship / Careers / Personal Development lesson
Learning objectives
To understand what feminism is.
To be able to explain a brief history of women’s rights.
To know how you can be a feminism.
Some Key Terms Covered
Suffragettes, cis gender, feminist ally
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ PSHE Masculinity + Men (Ks5)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)
☞ Dealing with anger and Frustration (Ks3) (Ks4)
Huge Mega Primary KS2 themed Christmas Quiz . Quiz Contains over 53 Questions and 10 Different Rounds. Ensure you treat you students this festive period with this educational fun professionally designed Christmas Fun Quiz.
End of term fun Christmas quiz with a focus on a range of Christmas inspired rounds and topics. All the answers appear at the end of the PowerPoint quiz in a fun and engaging round by round way .
We are back by popular demand with new Christmas activities, quizzes and Escape rooms after last years success and helping thousands of teachers deliver educational themed Christmas lessons for less than the price of a coffee.
Treat them to something educational and fun this end of term in the run up to Christmas by undertaking this specially designed Christmas quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles including our **Special Christmas Cracker Round **
Leave a nice review - email us at and we will send you a fun Christmas surprise for your students :) …
Contents of Quiz Bundle
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed Christmas PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞ Rounds include: Guess the picture, Matching up, Odd one out, Word Search, Christmas Crackers, Multiple Choice, Designing and much, much more…
☞1 x Set of Christmas certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
**☞ ** 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
**☞ ** 1 x Student Work Sheet they can fill in during the quiz individually or as small teams
**Explore below our most popular and fast selling Primary Careers and Primary PSHE Units below:
⇨ Introduction to Careers for Primary students
⇨ Linking school with Careers and Jobs - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Financial Education - Managing Money for Ks2 Students
⇨ Transition and Friends Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Enterprise Unit (My skills & Qualities) Ks2 Unit
⇨ The World I live in Ks2 Citizenship Unit
⇨ Why should I learn all these subjects - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Bullying, Racism & Peer Pressure - Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Roles & Responsibilities - Ks2 PSHE Unit
The Big Sexuality and Gender Identity Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on a variety of SRE PSHE topics suitable for upper KS2 or lower KS3.
Can be used alongside our ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz Resource
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/102
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE 2020 planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
All resources designed by a specialist Team of practicing PSHE and Citizenship HOD’s and teachers with over 15+ Years of combined experience
Managing Change - End of Year Transition Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on the topic of moving from upper KS2 to lower KS3 and a fun way to introduce some new terminology and general knowledge
Can be used alongside our ‘Life Beyond School’ PSHE Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/92
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Primary Christmas Quiz - KS2 and KS1 Christmas Interactive Christmas / End of Term Quiz aimed at KS1 or KS2 students. Every round is completely different and not just your boring Q and A style but instead each round tests a different type of skill. (Guess the Present, Name the Christmas pantomime, Christmas Crackers, Spot the Difference, True or False, Design Challenge, and More… )
Full 1 hour Quiz Lesson
☞ Over 10 rounds and 60+ Questions. Christmas Quiz.
This resource contains:
☞ 1x PowerPoint with questions and answers laid out in professional format
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks
☞ 3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Round 1: Identify the Christmas Present
Guessing Christmas presents before they are unwrapped
Round 2: Match the Dates
Match the Holiday to it’s date
Round 3: Christmas Cracker Jokes
Let your class have a go at pulling the four interactive Christmas Crackers
Round 4: Christmas Panto Round
Which pantomime is in the pictures
Round 5: Spot the differences at Christmas Time
Not as easy as it first appears. Which teams have a careful eye
Round 6: Christmas Truth or Lie
Good variety of Christmas themed questions
Round 7: Christmas Dinner Anagrams
Solve the jumbled up letters to find some christmas dinner favourites
Round 8: But which two are right
Christmas trivia and confusion
Round 9: Who does it belong to
Use the images to figure out which christmas chararter owns the items
Round 10: Multiple Choice Round
Christmas general knowledge
**Explore below our most popular and fast selling Primary Careers and Primary PSHE Units below:
⇨ Introduction to Careers for Primary students
⇨ Linking school with Careers and Jobs - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Financial Education - Managing Money for Ks2 Students
⇨ Transition and Friends Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Enterprise Unit (My skills & Qualities) Ks2 Unit
⇨ The World I live in Ks2 Citizenship Unit
⇨ Why should I learn all these subjects - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Bullying, Racism & Peer Pressure - Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Roles & Responsibilities - Ks2 PSHE Unit
HIV AIDS & Sexual Health Quiz - Educational, Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Can be used alongside our 'Sex and Relationships Education ’ PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum Core Theme
Contents of Quiz
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/106
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
22+ Primary Christmas Puzzle Work Booklet with accompanying three page teacher answer booklet. This Work Booklet starts with a set of Puzzles themed around the subject with a sprinkling of Christmas fun. Then The Work Book has a series of questions linked to students subject Knowledge. Finally the work book moves on to reflection and target setting and then lots of Christmas activities and at the very end a mindfulness drawing Activity.
This booklet has easily taken over 12 hours to build from start to finish - We hope you enjoy it!
How could you use this Work Book?
End of Term Christmas Fun and Challenge.
Distance learning
Christmas Homework setting
Christmas Isolation room work
Cover work or any purpose you chose
Could also be used to set work for isolating students or as a Homework Booklet.
Resource Contains
✎✎ 22+ Page Christmas Puzzle Workbook Matched to the subject (Editable Version)
✎✎ 22+ Page Christmas Puzzle Workbook Matched to the subject (PDF Version for Digital Learning)
✎✎ Mindfulness and Wellbeing Activities
This work booklet has been designed by out Secondary Specialist.
Product Code C8/PB/29
If you are looking for new PSHE Resources mapped to the 2020 Statutory reforms for RSE and Health Education, CDI Framework (and Gatsby Benchmarks) then here is a suggested list to look into:
The Monarchy and King Charles III. A great lesson to show students with the Coronation of King Charles III coming up. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed PSHE / Citizenship / KS3 lesson
Learning Outcomes:
To explain what both the Monarchy and the Commonwealth are
To understand the line of succession
To describe the role King Charles III has and his duties to the crown
Key terms
Monarchy, Duties, Succession, Abdication, Knighthoods, Damehoods
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Christmas Shopping & Christmas Gifts & The Economy . A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson
Learning objectives
To understand the financial pressures of Christmas
To define the term commercialisation and apply its meaning to different situations
To evaluate how best to budget for Christmas
Some Key Terms Covered
Budgeting, Self-Care, Advertising, Consumerism, Retail, Turnover
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Search “Cre8tive Resources” on Google for more support with this lesson and to find out about all our curriculum resources and support we offer secondary PSHE, Careers and Citizenship Departments.
The Coronation of King Charles III. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed PSHE / Citizenship / Personal Development lesson about the Coronation of King Charles III
Learning objectives
To be able to explain the importance of the Royal Family
To describe the coronation process
To identify members of the Royal Family.
Some Key Terms Covered
Sovereign, scepters, pageantry, homage
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Different types of Families Lesson. A detailed PSHE PowerPoint Lesson pack that comes with an assessment fir progress.
Learning Outcomes:
To know the names for different types of family
To understand how different families might be formed
To understand how to value all different types of family in society
Key Terms Covered
Nuclear, blended, single parent, same sex parent, equality act, protected characteristic
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Health and Wellbeing and Relationships H11 KS4 H6
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE ready with our resources!
Check out some of our best selling bundles below
⇨ KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit
⇨ Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle
⇨ Women’s Health Unit Bundle
⇨ Contraception and STI Unit Y9’s Bundle
⇨Sex, the law and Consent Unit
Is it Banter or Bullying Lesson. A detailed PSHE PowerPoint Lesson pack that comes with an assessment for progress.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the difference between bullying and banter
To appreciate that banter can become bullying
The importance of understanding and addressing behaviour that is bullying
Key Terms Covered
Prejudice, racism, discrimination, self- esteem, racism, context
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Health and Wellbeing and Relationships H11 KS4 H6
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE ready with our resources!
Check out some of our best selling bundles below
⇨ KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit
⇨ Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle
⇨ Women’s Health Unit Bundle
⇨ Contraception and STI Unit Y9’s Bundle
⇨Sex, the law and Consent Unit